This is for people who is using CentOS(linux) as client for managing Xen Server
1. Download OpenXenMan ager from following link
http://sour projects/ope nxenmanager/ files/openxe nmanager_rev 6.tar.gz/dow nload
2. Extract installati on file
root@mycloudstack # mv /home/Downloads/openxenman ager_rev6.ta r.gz /opt
root@mycloudstack #/ opt tar -xzvf openxenman ager_rev6.ta r.gz
3. You need to install followings
pygtk, python-gtk -vnc, rrdtool
eg. yum install rrdtool
4. To launch openxenman ager,
root@mycloudstack# python /opt/openx enmanager/wi
5. And add your xen server
punith s
1. Download OpenXenMan
2. Extract installati
root@mycloudstack # mv /home/Downloads/openxenman
root@mycloudstack #/
3. You need to install followings
pygtk, python-gtk
eg. yum install rrdtool
4. To launch openxenman
root@mycloudstack# python /opt/openx
5. And add your xen server
punith s